
Big boy pants

(Paul's first post!) I’ll take the blame. We had coffee this morning, and I let Asher have a sip. He loved it and drank practically the whole cup before I could pry it out of his hands.

So we’ve been potty training Asher for a while now, and he just about has it down. He almost never has accidents anymore, and I don’t remember the last time he had an accident out or at daycare. We have taken to gauging his progress by the status of his “big boy pants.” Such as, “Asher, we’re so proud of you. You kept your big boy pants dry all day. So proud.”

Today he went down for a nap but didn’t really sleep. This happens from time to time, and as long as he isn’t crying, we just let him be. Usually he has stimulating conversations with Brown Puppy. Eventually he tends to falls asleep. About 5:00, which is usually when he wakes up, I go to the door and overhear him saying, “Can’t hold it, Puppy. Mommy come take me out crib, go pee.” I throw open the door and dash in ready to take him to the bathroom. As I turn on the little lamp, I see that Asher is stark naked. No shirt, no pants, no socks, nothing. All his clothes are off to the side. And there in the middle of the crib is a small wet spot. Too late. Asher looks up at me smiling, and with joy in his blue eyes, he says to me, “Me keep mine big boy pants dry Daddy!” Yes you did buddy. So proud of you Asher. So proud.


Exercise Buddy

So in my last post I mentioned that I am trying to make it to the gym as often as possible, but when I can't I have discovered Fit TV! If you can get past the inordinate ammount of commercials for diet pills, they have some great exercise shows...and they are on like 24/7 so whenever the mood strikes or whenevever I have an extra 10 minutes, I can just flip it on and start working out.

So the first day I did this, I was doing an ab workout. Asher looked at me like I was crazy. He just sat there looked at me - then the TV - then me - then the TV - you get the picture. I told him I was exercising. So the next day I had the TV on...sometimes it takes a few shows until I get motivated enough to join in...and lo and behold, he started immitating what they were doing on TV! It was HILARIOUS! He was saying "Look mommy, I'm exercising!" he did leg lifts, arm lifts and even some squats. I had to call Paul in with the camera because it was too adorable. So I thought I would share.


My how the time flies!

So I realize we have been a tad bit lax on the posts....ok, that might be an understatement. BUT, I am posting today so hopefully I will be forgiven.

So what has happened over the past month....

Paul: Had a month break from school, did a few appraisals on the side (Yeah! Christmas money!), started his last 15 week semester (he graduates May 3!), I am sure he did other things too, but I will let him post about that.

Asher: Took his EIGHTEENTH! trip on an airplane...It could be more, I lost count. Where did we go? Back to Ohio of course :) He had a great time seeing Nana and Papa, Grandma & Grandma and all the cousins, Aunts & Uncles! When we got back to Denver he was asking where his cousins were - "Where'd mine cousins go?" were his exact words. He knew who Santa & Frosty& Rudolph were and really liked getting presents. He started back at daycare two days per week without a hitch. His vocabulary has just been growing and growing. We've started taking trips to the library to pick out books and he LOVES it. He also has started singing songs...some we know and some only he knows :) He apparently can count to 4 in Spanish which was a shock to me- must have learned it at daycare. We were reading a Dora book and she was counting in it and I said Uno and he said Dos, Tres Cuatro! My mouth dropped open and I just stared at him. He does lots of things like that lately. He loves puzzles, play dough, Magna Doodle, blocks and of course, cars. We are in the process of seeing what our preschool options are for him in the fall.

Angela: I have been working a little less - 15-20 hours per week, which I much prefer to the 25-30 I was working last fall. I am still teaching 5 yoga classes per week and have been a little better about getting to the gym and exercising since the 1st of this year....we'll see how long I can keep that up! Planned my first weekend away from my guys in early February. I am not going far, just to a hotel in South Denver for a weekend of scrapbooking with friends. I will be gone 3 days and 2 nights and I am so excited to just have the whole weekend to be creative and not have to worry about anyone's naptime except mine!

So, as you can see, one of the main reasons we haven't posted is that our lives are really not that interesting right now. We took a million pictures over the holidays so that will just have to do until we post again!


Edwards Family Christmas Photos

Bruns Family Christmas Photos

Newport Aquarium Photos